New Moon In Scorpio | 25th October

New Moon In Scorpio | 25th October | 18:48 PM Bali time

Los Angeles: 25 Oct 14:48

New York: 25 Oct 17:48

London: 25 Oct 22:48

Sydney: 26 Oct 07:48

Partial Solar Eclipse

“Holding on is believing that there’s only a past; letting go is knowing that there’s a future.”

Daphne Rose Kingma

On October 25th, we will have our annual New Moon in Scorpio, with some added spice: it is a solar partial eclipse. The solar bit because it’s a new moon, and at the South end of the nodal axis it’s about release, building on the Scorpio theme. New moons are a time of preparations, seeding new energy and intentions. So how do these two themes tie together? Preparing to release, to make room for the new.

Scorpio, Fixed Water, is represented by the Scorpion, yes, but also by the Phoenix. The Phoenix is a mythical bird that dies and then regenerates, rising from its own ashes. Scorpio has a bit of a scary reputation but that is because at its best, it is able to face and examine emotions which some other signs would find too much. However this means that Scorpio can lead with instinct, and take responsibility.

And what does the sky advise us about this Scopio new moon solar eclipse of 2022? We understand that we must prepare ourselves to slowly let go of deep, old emotions, memories, or something which we feel strongly for but it’s better for us to say goodbye. This is to make room for a new material reality which we sense is taking shape, new, fresh, growing. We may be struggling with some responsibilities which feel heavy, but we understand and adjust. Next to the Moon is beautiful, helpful Venus to encourage passion and commitment. She has deep desires, but does not like to ask; however this lunation is ruled by Mars in Gemini, who reminds us to speak and act, make a good plan, exploring different options through words and ideas. Mars appears to go backwards for a while in the sky: it is better not to act in haste, but be patient, allow time and space for new information, in case we revise our plan. This new moon we prepare by getting ready to let go so we can make room to receive. Abundance is waiting patiently for us, Radiantly Alive!

Sabian Symbol Scorpio 2: A Broken Bottle And Spilled Perfume                     

Deep breathwork and embracing nature

“When I let go of what I am, I become what I might be.”

– Lao Tzu

Instagram: @astrofly_insights

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