Full Moon In Aries | 10th October

Full Moon in Aries |10th October | 4:54 AM Bali time

Los Angeles: 9 Oct 13:54

New York: 9 Oct 16:54

London: 9 Oct 21:54

Sydney: 10 Oct 07:54

Keyword: Courage

I'm fired up, bold and determined.

In my body, I feel the opportunities around me.

Trying out ideas,

I act to elegantly balance:

Within myself and with others,

The old and the new,

The moving and the still.

Noting what works,

And what doesn’t,

I take action, inspired to grow.

It’s the warrior in me, Radiantly Alive!

On October 10th, we will have our annual Full Moon in Aries. Aries, Cardinal Fire, is symbolised by the ram, representing the first days of spring, a fresh start. Full moons are a time of completion and illumination. Here we reflect on where our new action in the spring has brought us to, now that it’s autumn. The Sun is in Libra, measured and intellectual, where ego must be shared; opposite the Moon in Aries which finds comfort being spontaneous and being first. This axis represents the me-we polarity.

The moon in Aries is fast reaction time, gut instinct, a quick yes or no. The sun in Libra, opposite, wants to take action interacting with others, based on an intellectual judgement of what’s fair. This full moon reminds us that in our gut we know what has grown vs what to walk away from in our joint activities. Balance requires a decision and action - but not too hasty.

And what does the sky advise this Aries full moon of 2022? This lunation in fire is smoothly helped by a harmonious joining of all the air energies, so an urge to act can be supported by good strategy, an eye for return on investment, fairness, and elegance.

However the moon is also conjunct Chiron, the wounded healer. In Aries this indicates a time of healing childhood wounds around feeling unwanted, or scolded. Perhaps we tried to be spontaneous or impulsive as children are. Maybe we were told sshh because we said things in too direct a way. Or maybe in our environment we saw our mothers discouraged from showing too much independence, confidence or determination. Either way, we see where childhood experiences from long ago make feel us feel lonely or insecure today. And seeing a wound, recognising it, is the main step to healing. This lunation helps us understand how to rebalance by being brave and finding opportunity amidst all the other priorities.

You do you, and find your mojo, Radiantly Alive!

Sabian Symbol Aries 17: Two Prim Spinsters Sitting in Silence.

Maybe I couldn’t before, but now I find calm confidence.

Yoga pose: Warrior III

“Courage is what it takes to stand up and speak; courage is also what it takes to sit down and listen.”

― Winston Churchill

Instagram: @astrofly_insights

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