Joy Is a High Vibration

Joy is a high vibration

Our greatest gift is to become the change that we want to see in the world. Our journey starts from deep within each one of us. We create change when we focus on what we love doing the most. It gives us joy and that joy flows over onto all those who we come into contact with. The more joy we have in our lives, the more we touch others and inspire them to be the change that they want to see in the world too. Joy opens our hearts and minds and connects us more deeply to everything around us. Joy is a high vibration. And it doesn’t matter what we do as long as we love doing it.

There is a saying how we think and feel influences everything in the world around us. It’s so true. Remember a time when we felt fearful and angry and how those around us were affected by our mood. Their faces changed right before our eyes and that somehow made us feel a bit better because we no longer felt alone in our suffering. Or we might have been that person who got pulled down by another and felt righteous about it because we were able to meet them where they were. We thought we were helping them. But our vibrational state dropped to their level instead of them rising up to ours. This is what we do when we sympathize. Sympathizing is when we jump down into the pit and join the person there instead of helping them come out.

Now how about if we were able to empathize instead causing a shift in the opposite direction to occur. When we are no longer enslaved by our emotions, no matter how negative a person we meet may be, instead of being influenced by them negatively, they are influenced by us positively. And when we find ourselves caught in a loop in the same way, we attract others who can help lift us out too. As part of our daily practice we can teach ourselves to become more empathetic by consciously increasing the vibrational levels within ourselves first. And then we can notice how those around us respond to what we’re putting out. A powerful way of doing this is by smiling with our whole body until we feel a shift happening inside us. It’s important to feel the smile rising up from within. Something happens. We discover that what we put out gets reflected back to us. Hence why we want to make it a daily practice so we can clearly recognize how our inner states truly influence everything around us.

On the emotional scale joy dominates the top rung of the ladder

It sits in the same seat alongside appreciation, empowerment, freedom and love. At the opposite end of the scale is fear. Fear can be an extremely uncomfortable emotion to be with. It lives together with grief, despair, paranoia and powerlessness. In between the two polarities are many different emotions that inspire us to reach for higher states of being. On the contrary, if we get caught up in them, we can find ourselves spiraling deeper into discomfort instead. As we learn to feel our emotions by listening deeply to the wisdom that transpires through them, the inner tensions soften and unwind and we find ourselves moving back up the emotional scale again. The felt sense is the doorway through which we can climb up that ladder. Without establishing a connection to it we can easily remain stuck in our emotions. Or simply be oblivious of them.

Our emotions are always moving up and down. They provide us with the contrast needed to grow and evolve. If we were happy all the time, in no time we’d be bored. If we were always sad, we’d end up feeling depressed. Contrast frees us from monotony and allows us to move back up the emotional scale again where we can reach higher apexes before falling back down again. Life is an endless cycle of expansion and contraction. Without the contraction we cannot expand any further. And just like a tree our branches cannot reach higher and cannot bear more fruit unless the roots grow deeper into the earth. Our life experiences regulate our growth and help us to evolve. When we go through painful times we always come out the other end a little bit wiser than we were before.

And whenever we might have missed the opportunity it’s really not a problem, as life will send another person or provide another situation for us to learn it again. We always get as many chances as we need. Always be grateful for what we attract. There’s a valuable lesson in it for us. Cherish our feelings as beloved teachers. Intend to feel. And listen deeply. Let that be our daily practice. Smile, practice gratitude and do what we love doing the most.

About the author

Nirmoha works co-creatively to help people access the subtle and gentler ways to release through conscious connection with oneself. She has spent the last three decades exploring different modalities as part of her own journey towards healing.

She is a certified Breath Trauma Release practitioner with the biodynamic breath Institute, using many skills to support your journey towards a safe and gentle transformative release. Nirmoha is passionate about sharing her work with those ready to receive. She brings the depth of her own exploration by skillfully helping others explore their inner selves on their journeys toward health, wholeness, personal empowerment and truth.

Please reach out to her ( if you feel the call to have a 1-on-1 session with her, either live in person in Bali or online. 

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