Connecting with the Angels – Spirits of Light

Connecting with the Angels – Spirits of Light

When I was asked to write this article I was very excited, I knew it was time to reveal a message from my spiritual beings, the angels, to all of you.

“Love takes care of you, it always has and it will, until you are ready to receive its blessings.” 

- A message of your angels -

You must be thinking “Angels? Are you going to talk about religion?” I’m not. Before you read on, I would like to tell you that angels are not limited to a particular belief system, they go beyond religion. Man created religion, divinity created angels. Therefore, angels are the messengers of God, the extension of that wonderful universal energy that moves through all of us, the energy of love. Angels are the purest representation of unconditional love. They guide us towards a life full of peace, love, and connection with the entire universe.

When I was 10 years old I had my first experience with angels. I was eating at my parents' house and I remember seeing my grandfather walking down the hall accompanied by a being surrounded by a lot of light. At that moment I did not understand what was happening. It was clear that my grandfather could not be walking in front of me at that moment, since he was in bed dying. I remember that my father came to me to ask me to join him to say goodbye to my grandfather. I was surprised as I had just seen him. When I saw him in his bed with his eyes closed, I took him by his hand, gave him a kiss, and thanked him for saying goodbye to me. This was the first time I met my angels. You will understand that at that age if I told this to someone they would not have believed me. So I had to hide my gift for many years.

But my angels kept insisting, sending me more signals so that I would accept their presence in my life. They came to assist me in the most difficult moments, helping me to overcome a great depression. Once I opened the door for them to step into my life, the magic began. They asked me to share their messages and accept my gifts, the ability of clairvoyance and clairsentience, which all human beings have by the way.

Yes! You and all human beings have the ability to perceive these spiritual beings of light, through 4 different abilities: 

  • Clairvoyance means “clear seeing”, is the psychic ability to see things beyond the everyday world.

  • Clairaudience means “clear-hearing”, is the term for being able to hear psychically.

  • Clairsentience means “clear-feeling”, the ability to feel emotions, angels, and spirits.

  • Claircognizance means knowing when our brains get an immediate download from our intuition.

Everyone has at least two of these gifts, you only have to listen to your intuition. 

We are often surrounded by so many distractions that it is hard for us to see the signs around us. Angels want to guide us in the right direction. They are like spiritual GPS, they want to empower us to fulfill our purpose on this planet. They are waiting for us to invite them into our life.

But How Can I Get In Contact with Them?

Angels tend to be very subtle when they send us messages. They send signals through nature, in the clouds, birds, butterflies, dragonflies, hummingbirds. 

They can also send us signals through music, with the sounds of bells or a song that gives you the answer to your questions. Moreover, they communicate with you through other people, sending you words of encouragement. Another way to perceive them is finding feathers or sequences of numbers, for example 777 or 11:11.  

In order to perceive their presence, it is important that you give them permission to assist you in your life, since they respect our free will. Once you give them permission to guide you, I assure you that you will begin to feel their magic.

I Would Love to Share a Beautiful Prayer with You to Invite Your Angel Guides Into Your Life

Put your right hand in your heart and repeat this prayer:

Dear Angels,

I allow you to open my energy so I can perceive nothing but the truth and the loving energy that surrounds me.

I align myself with love and peace and allow my energy to be raised to yours.

And so it is.

About the author

Mai Martínez León Valdez is an Angel Therapy Coach, that helps you to connect with your angels and recognize their guidance. She loves to interpret the universe through astrology, reading Natal Charts, and Solar Returns. She is a Meditation Teacher and Certified Rainbow Kids Yoga Teacher. Mai is a bhakta practitioner that loves to guide you through meditation, sound healing, and mantras, to help you to discover your most powerful gift, your voice.

Please reach out to her ( if you feel the call to have a 1-on-1 session with her, either live in person in Bali or online. 

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