The Dance Between Yin and Yang

The Dance Between Yin And Yang

Everything, everything, everything in life has feminine (Yin) and masculine (yang) energies.

When we look at nature, plants will reproduce by spreading their pollen into the air or by insects pollinating (fertilize) another plant of its species. 

Animals will go into heat and call out their sounds signaling their fertility. 

Human beings function in similar ways. A woman tends to wear more red and show her sexiness when she’s fertile and cozy clothes when she’s infertile. A man will compete in the mornings and be more passive in the evening. 

It all has to do with the cycles of life, the unavoidable essence reproduction to continue the cycle. 
We sometimes find ourselves so different from the other sex. Men of the solar hormone cycle, and women of the lunar hormone cycle. Men are from Mars, women are from Venus. Men are strong, women are gentle. Yet we can’t seem to get enough of each other. We cannot reproduce without each other. We are connected, interdependent, and coexistent to be able to survive and thrive on this Earth. 

Women can be strong, and men can be gentle. It’s a dance between dualities.

It’s obvious when we can see the difference between males and females on the outside; however, within us it’s a little bit harder to see. It’s in our cells. It’s in our hormones. 

Masculine & Feminine Cycles

For a woman, her reproductive hormones are estrogen & progesterone. Estrogen is rising after menstruation and then peaks during ovulation when she is most fertile. This phase when estrogen rises is what Chinese medicine calls the “Yin phase” because estrogen is very much making a woman more feminine by augmenting the symmetry in her body so that she is more beautiful and fertile to a man. 

Have you ever watched nature documentaries? Think of this as the flower blooming or a bird flaunting its beauty through song or physicality to attract a mate.

What then peaks during ovulation is estrogen yet also testosterone, the male hormone, which presents higher confidence and risk-taking (most likely to get the courage to go talk to that sexy man she’s been eyeing). 

After ovulation, estrogen dips yet progesterone rises as a woman’s hormone cycle hopes she got pregnant, making her more introverted. For what one might think the contrary, in Chinese medicine, this phase is the “Yang phase” of her cycle due to stress levels naturally rising, giving the masculine essence.

Although stress is something we’ve all heard as having a negative connotation, it’s very much useful in this phase of a woman’s cycle because now the mind & body’s priority is to protect the potential baby. Without stress, a woman cannot be on guard and aware of her surroundings. With stress (of course not too much), a woman will raise awareness, making her intuitive gut feeling stronger and be a protective mother. 

I have a theory that there are similar attributes of what a woman goes through in a month; a man goes through in a day. 

In the morning, a man’s testosterone peaks, feeling more competitive, forward-thinking, and driven (similar to the energy a woman goes through after her bleed). Throughout the day, his testosterone declines and by 5 pm, it’s low enough to allow his feminine hormone of estrogen to be more present. Estrogen is the socializing hormone and a man will socialize during happy hour to then reflect on his day by the end of the evening. His feminine creativity is highest in the night. 

You see, life is not black or white, but an interdependence, coexistence, and symbiotic relationship between black and white, Yin & Yang.

Life is a constant cycle, and dance between masculine and feminine energies. It is essential to become aware of these energies and use them to reach your highest self.

So I invite you to take a dance with balancing your Yin and your Yang.

About the author:

Pauline Goossens is a Hormone Cycle Specialist & Coach who focuses on balancing hormones through nutrition, mindset, intention, and movement.

She is the founder of OmCycle Yoga, yoga for the Ovulation-Menstruation cycle to balance hormones. 

If you’d like to get rid of PMS, improve gut health, optimize fertility,
stabilize mood, release stress, and balance your
hormones to balance your life, contact Pauline for a private session:

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