Holistic Detoxing – Lighten Up Your Body & Mind

Holistic Detoxing - Lighten Up Your Body & Mind

Our entire organism has to cope with a variety of challenges every day. We can support our body in those with appropriate actions. There are various ways. Either through fasting or juice fasting, a change of diet or an optimal, individual detox program.

A holistic detox program involves all levels of the human being, body, mind and soul.

If there are physical complaints, we do not solve them simply by treating the physical symptoms. If we are mentally unwell, the solution is not only on the mental level.

Our gut plays a crucial role in our physical and mental health. Our gut brain is directly connected to our brain and vice versa. What goes on mentally, automatically affects our gut. For example, if we have digestive problems, it automatically affects our mind.

The intestine must be given special consideration in a cleansing program. It contains 80% of our immune system and more bacteria than we have number of cells in our body. These bacteria determine our general well-being and health. If the balance of good and bad bacteria in the intestine is disturbed, this triggers a chain reaction of problems. A good detox program therefore also includes intestinal cleansing.

An unhealthy lifestyle, the wrong food, stress, medications and environmental pollution cause waste to be deposited in our tissues as well as our intestines. This old waste may remain in the tissues and intestines for decades. The intestinal walls become sticky and encrusted over time, allowing bad bacteria, fungi and parasites to colonize. At the same time, the intestinal wall develops tiny holes, which is called „leaky gut syndrome“, allowing undigested food waste and bacteria to enter the bloodstream. This leads to allergies, food intolerances, skin problems, constant fatigue, weight gain, depression and even serious illness.

So let's take a look at the various detox treatments:

Fasting & Juice Cleanse

Pure fasting means that no food is eaten for a certain period of time, only water and herbal teas are allowed. This allows the body, which now does not have to put energy into digestion, to take care of the deposited waste in the tissues. It also gives it the opportunity to repair damaged areas of the body. So fasting can be very beneficial for the body.

Juice fasting involves the addition of vegetable juices, which provide the body with additional nutrients, thereby enhancing the detoxification function.

These treatments are ideal as a program, once or twice a year.

Base Fasting or Alkaline fasting

This cure is like a reset for our organs and immune system. In my last article I talked about bases and acids in the body. At the same time, there are alkaline-forming foods and acid-forming foods. This refers to how substances are metabolized in our bodies. All animal products as well as sugar and wheat, form ‚bad‘ acids in our bodies. Vegetables and fruits have an alkalizing effect due to the vitamins, minerals and phytochemicals they contain. Other foods in turn form good and important acids for our body, like nuts for example. In alkaline fasting, only base-forming foods are eaten over a period of time, which provide the body with important bases (vitamins and minerals), as well as minimize the formation of acid waste.

Detox Program & Change of Diet

A cure is always useful as a supportive treatment. However, it is important to adjust your lifestyle and diet to suit your ‚primal‘ nature. Every person is unique and everyone needs something different, also according to their current phase of life.

An intensive and deeply cleansing detox program includes several components. First, it relieves the body by eliminating harmful foods and destructive lifestyle habits. Certain foods and herbs further ensure that the body is triggered to eliminate waste, toxins and parasites and release them from the tissues and organs. 

To prevent toxins from floating in our bloodstream and eventually being re-stored elsewhere, the body needs substances that bind the toxins and safely eliminate them through the intestines. These include healing clays, activated charcoal, psyllium husk and special herbs.

In addition, an intensive intestinal cleansing is done in order to free the intestines from all old burdens as well as to remove the newly accumulating toxins from the body as quickly as possible. At the same time, the intestine is supported in its healing process so that nutrients can be better absorbed again. In the last phase, a build-up of the intestinal flora is made, with living good bacteria.

All these measures form a good concept to support the body in the best possible way. The body always takes what it needs to restore homeostasis (balance). 

Supporting this, regular yoga is optimal, as well as exercise in fresh air.

As mentioned at the beginning, we cannot stay only on the physical level. If we do not take care of the issues behind the symptoms at the same time, we only achieve a shift of the symptoms and complaints, but no real healing.  

So a holistic detox and healing is an individual, very personal process that takes time. Give yourself everything you need and at the same time illuminate all the old burdens on the mental level that may have been suppressed for a long time.

When the energy in your organism flows freely and powerfully, miracles will happen.


About the Author:
Dominika is a Life & Health Coach, focussing on helping others to “rewild” their body, mind and soul. In her unique approach of personal rewilding, she uses different ways to reconnect people with their very own truth and wisdom. She also specialises in cleansing and detoxifying the body, supporting each individual’s needs in the best possible way.

You want to start your very own rewilding process, forging your own path in life? To book a free consultation, contact her now: hello@dominika-vodicka.com

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