New Moon in Aquarius February 12th | 3:00 am (Bali Time)
New Moon in Aquarius February 12th | 3:00 am (Bali Time)
To work with the unknown, some combination of respect, ruthlessness, courage, and cuddling is necessary.
- Arnold Mindell
My dears, I genuinely hope you have had an awkward and magical Aquarius season so far! (January 19th to February 18th)
It is time to embrace your unconventional side, free your inner weirdo and be confident about it. My own mind is buzzing already and I had a million ideas for what you will read. Let’s take a leap into the newness ahead:
Aquarius relates to the movement of your mind, your intellect, and collective freedom. This revolutionary-thinking air sign gives us a flavor of “detachment”. Here is a wonderful nugget that the archetype of Aquarius has brought to my own life and I think it is a very valuable one at the very moment:
Don't let the multitude of other opinions along with soaring criticism out rule your inner wisdom. This characteristic is why Aquarian energy makes great visionaries and artists. Whenever an old structure has to break down, we need those big minds, who can think beyond the limitations of our current reality.
Give yourself permission to feel, act and think different to the norm that you are currently in. So often we mold our wonderfully unique beings into the environments that we live in and almost become one with them on so many levels. And while at times, there is a lot of value in this, for the Aquarius new moon this Thursday/Friday (depending on where on the globe you are), I genuinely hope you untangle yourself from the ties which hold you captive and restrain your wild and revolutionary ideas to surface.
February 4th, 1913, was Rosa Parks Birthday. Just in case that you have never come across her story: Rosa Louise McCauley Parks is also called "the first lady of civil rights". She was a Civil Rights Activist in America, in the fifties. Rosa Parks refused to give up her seat to a white man, while she was on a bus in Alabama. She stood up for her values and beliefs, knowing the consequences, which got her arrested. This caused a ripple effect that is known as the Montgomery bus boycott, the first large-scale U.S. demonstration against segregation.
It is a grand paradigm of CHANGE that the Aquarius energy can uplift within us. My intention here is by no means to direct your thoughts to a political level. In giving you this example, I wanna put emphasis on, and encourage deeper self-exploration. What's your truth? I really mean what FEELS true for you?
This new moon is a great opportunity to detach from the many patterns, norms, and even the environment which has shaped you. While you can still honor its role and contribution in forming the human that you are now, turn to yourself with curiosity and question if you believe what you believe because you genuinely feel a deeper truth underlying it all. Or might there be some "truths" that you hold, which have been passed on to you throughout the wild and wonderful adventure of your life so far?
It is time to observe and yield what belief-patterns you wanna keep and which ones do not serve your highest good.
The same relates to your yoga practice. Do you move the way you do simply because you learned it this way? Can you strip away the body-remembrance of all those many times you've been in a downward-facing dog and experience it as if it was a completely new posture? How would you move and investigate your own body from there? Can you drop your remarkable knowledge and cultivate the beginner's mind anew?
Close your eyes, rest in the inner empty and dark place that the night sky will reflect when a new cycle begins.
“Lineage is overrated. That is an understatement. Take what works, what is true, and throw out the rest, even if it means most of it. Evolve it. Old doesn’t mean better, doesn’t mean truer and it does NOT mean beyond question. Truth above dogma, even if it brings the whole thing down.
How did you experience this new moon? Share with us below 🌙🌟👇🏾
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