Seeing Life Through The Eyes Of Abundance

What Is Abundance?

The dictionary describes it as: an extremely plentiful or over sufficient quantity or supply: an abundance of grain. overflowing fullness: abundance of the heart. affluence; wealth: the enjoyment of abundance.

What is the first thing you think when you hear “abundance?” Money? Love? A large circle of friends and family? While we can apply the concept of abundance to all of those aspects of our lives, what if the essential meaning of abundance is life? What if abundance is just another word for LIFE? 

If we look at existence (life) itself, it is abundant because existence is infinite. The only thing which cannot exist in an infinite universe is lack. Just look to the earth. There are humans, animals, insects, all creatures great and small. Then there is the abundant supply of food provided in crops, plants, fruit and vegetables. The sun that shines each day, nourishing life to grow, the rain that moistens the soil and provides us with drinking water and so on. The abundance of air and trees to breathe. EVERYTHING provides and nourishes the whole. Meaning; life is abundance. And, as you are life, then you are that abundance too.

You see, if the universe is infinite, this must mean that everything is already available to us. Everything must coexist inside of us already. Which means abundance is the richness of life itself, the fullness of the manifestation of existence. 

If infinity exists, that means YOU ARE infinity. You are not separate from the source of life. So, if abundance is what we are, then abundance is our natural state of being.

What creates lack then? Is it thought? If we look at the process of desire; when we want something and it has not manifested in our reality, it is perceived as lack. But, if we look closely, it is not that we are lacking, just the thing we desire hasn’t happened instantaneously, this doesn’t mean it won’t come to fruition. It is the stories that the mind tells that creates internal conflict, saying that it is not possible to have the thing we desire (because it didn’t teleport in the instant we thought it), or tells us we are lacking because we don’t have the thing we desire in this very moment, and if we listen and believe that story, then we believe there is lack. Is this really the truth though?

Without the narration of thought and it’s desires, is there lack? Without the nagging voice in the head telling you that you don’t have enough, is there anything missing? When we remove stories of lack, is there not the infinite empty space of all possibility? 

The mind can be tricky, and a little bit sticky. We get stuck on narratives replaying limitations and then we are all of a sudden blinded to the abundance of life. We can see that what we believe in our minds becomes the basis for our actions and therefore creates our reality. But a belief is not a fact. A belief is only manifested into reality through our life force energy. So in essence, what we believe becomes real for us, even if it’s an illusion, because when you believe in lack in any way, you are essentially saying that there is a lack of life here. But that is a contradiction, there is ONLY life. Life has no opposite. The opposite of life is not death, the opposite of death is birth. So there is only life. And abundance is just another word for LIFE. 

It’s not about BELIEVING in abundance, but recognising it in you and in everything. If you pause and look right now, there are billions of cells working in harmony to support you. Trillions of chemical processes happening to keep you healthy. You are literally molecules dancing! You are creation expressing itself. So if this is true, then there is no lack other than what you are creating in your mind. 

The Buddha taught that, “What you think, you become.” Shakespeare wrote, “Nothing is, unless our thinking makes it so.” Walt Disney famously said, “If you can dream it, you can do it.”

So to know abundance, is to recognise it, and to see life as life sees itself. What is it you want? Is it joy? Prosperity? Peace? Love? It’s already there, within you, calling you back from the dream of lack.

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