Full Moon in Sagittarius | May 23

Full Moon in Sagittarius

May 23, 21:52 PM Bali time

Los Angeles: May 23 06:52

New York: May 23 09:52

London: May 23 14:52

Sydney: May 23 23:52

Keywords: inspiration that lasts

“Visionary decision-making happens at the intersection of intuition and logic.” ― Paul O'Brien

On May 23, we will have our Full Moon in Sagittarius, Mutable Fire, represented by the centaur aiming his arrow far, far away. It is the sign of intuition and exploration, of the traveler, the teacher, the publisher, the legislator. Through this lens, the Moon in Sagittarius must reflect in her body what she experiences from the light of the Sun, opposite in the sky in Gemini. That is logic, learning, curiosity, multitasking, commerce, daily activity, and buzz. Full moons are a time of emotional clarity and illumination. So, given what we have learned, what would we preach? Where is our curiosity leading us to explore? We’ve seen what’s possible if we really look... Would we risk going further? This axis represents the right-left brain or the logic-intuition axis.

What does the sky advise this Sagittarius full moon of 2024? This fortnight is optimistic and exciting after a roller coaster April and then a pause last lunation. We’ve learned that we value our ability to learn, to grow - and we’ve discovered where we find support. We feel aware of responsibility and that sometimes we don’t get what we want, but here we remind ourselves to trust the process and keep the faith. We’ve learned that actually, we have the courage and the drive to pursue what we find glorious.

Yet we are also aware that we have to pay it forward and think about the future of the wider community, and the kids of tomorrow. The ruler of this lunation, Jupiter, is in Venus’s home sign of Taurus. There’s no need to reinvent the wheel; the tried and tested methods still work just fine, so take a lesson from the past. Winning!

What is really important to focus on this lunation is a vision, a picture of the future that inspires us. Feel it deeply, know that it can happen. If we knew that an investment of time and effort into a true labor of love would pay off big time, what would we want? What seems beautiful enough to sing along to? What would we risk? How far would we go? Just keep it kinda real, not escapist or a spiritual bypass, yet still dreamy and fantastical.

Through all the rough bits past and to come, this is a window of comfort and joy, an exciting yet safe space to let our imagination run free like a wild horse along the beach, singing our song, laughing with the wind, running with our crew.

This full moon in Sag can help us feel into such a journey, the adventure of a lifetime. Radiantly Alive!

Sabian Symbol Sagittarius 3: two men playing chess.

Thoughts: James Burgess interprets this as Strategic Training. Life must be strategically managed if we want to know happiness and success: “Carefully choosing the optimal path”.

Malasana yoga pose.

Sagittarius rules the liver, sacrum, thigh bone, tail bone, hip muscles, hip joint, lumbar vertebra, lumbar muscle.

"The secret of Happiness is Freedom, and the secret of Freedom, Courage." - Thucydides (460 BC - 395 BC), Greek Historian


The Art of Trauma-Informed Facilitation by Vix


New Moon in Taurus | May 8