Full Moon in Leo | January 26
Full Moon in Leo
January 26, 01:53 AM Bali time
Los Angeles: January 25 09:53
New York: January 25 12:53
London: January 25 17:53
Sydney: January 26 04:53
Keywords: I am here for us
“Authenticity is the alignment of head, mouth, heart, and feet – thinking, saying, feeling, and doing the same thing – consistently.” – Lance Secretan
On January 26, we will experience the Full Moon in Leo—a time of culmination, vision, and relationships. Governed by the Sun, Leo is a Fixed Fire sign, exuberant on the stage and symbolized by the lion. The Moon in Leo signifies an emotional need for creativity, applause, fun, and fire. Positioned directly across the sky, it reflects the Sun's light, allowing us to absorb past events and letting emotional vision shine. Meanwhile, the Sun, opposite in the sky in Aquarius, plays the role of the hero who coolly and objectively honors the group's needs. Thus, the Moon in Leo must collaborate with these contrasting elements. This axis represents the personal-impersonal polarity.
What does the sky advise during this Leo full moon of 2024? We may encounter intense and complex emotions, yet it's essential to have faith in the abundance of the universe to provide. There is ample top-quality nutrition in the soil to fertilize our creative needs. Most importantly, we must not fear criticism because the universe has our back. We have every right to be here, even if we sometimes feel alone or overpowered. It's okay to feel shy, and in the past, we may have been hurt by taking the initiative. However, this time will be different, so we push through and set a good example of courage.
We have been creating emotional boundaries and value the hard work we continue to put toward achieving our dreams. Therefore, we should make space to enjoy some quality time and meaningful conversations to help us stay in good flow. This will remind us of the purpose, guide us on how to get there, and emphasize that the most beautiful things in this world are actually free.
With faith in the abundance and applause of the universe, we adjust and manoeuvre, Radiantly Alive!
Sabian Symbol Leo 6: Old-fashioned woman and up-to-date girl. James Burgess highlights the impermanence of values. What is considered important, moral, or even courteous changes very quickly from one generation to the next. It signifies 'being indifferent to fashions of morality and values.
Yoga, lion pose
Leo rules the heart, aorta, blood circulation, blood pressure, heart rate.
”Coming together is a beginning. Keeping together is progress. Working together is success.” — Henry Ford