Sarah Sandkuhl

Initially trained as a scientist, Sarah spent time in a lab studying brain development. After becoming a mother, she shifted her focus to raising her children with a global perspective. Her family relocated to Bali so her kids could attend the Green School, where she discovered Radiantly Alive. Though she had been practicing yoga for a decade, what she encountered there was profoundly transformative. She completed her Yoga Teacher Training before returning to the United States to share this deeper practice with others. Vinyasa remains her first love, and she continues to teach it regularly. Additionally, she offers Yin and meditation classes and has expanded her work to include stroke survivors with limited mobility, the elderly, children, and refugees.

During a period of living in New Zealand, she had the opportunity to teach individuals with intellectual disabilities, which further deepened her commitment to making yoga accessible to everyone. She believes this practice, rooted in wisdom and tradition, extends beyond physical abilities. As teachers, there is an opportunity to help every student forge a deeper connection with themselves and others. Her main goal as a teacher is to help her students feel comfortable with who they are in the present moment while also creating space for growth and change.


Joëlle Sleebos


Adrian Bernasconi