Henny Straßas

Henny began her journey into the world of yoga more than a decade ago in the vibrant atmosphere of Berlin with an RA Teacher. Motivated by deep curiosity, she set out for India to discover the ancient roots of yoga and delve into transformative practices like Vipassana and Satori. During one of her adventures in Indonesia, she had the privilege of practicing with the esteemed Carlos Tao, where she developed a profound admiration for fluidUs.

In her classes, Henny places special emphasis on diving deep into one's own being. Through slow, conscious movements guided by the innermost impulses of our soul, participants experience the magic that lies beneath their skin. Her goal is to provide students with a safe space where they can encounter themselves. She places great importance on creative yet safe sequences that lead to a moving meditation, fostering growth and exploration. The breath becomes an anchor, effortlessly synchronizing with each movement.


Ann Cederwall


Cornelia Dagonneau