Carla La Fleur

Carla moved to Eugene, Oregon from Los Angeles, CA, where she grew up. She came to Eugene as a young adult to attend school, and like many people, decided to stay.

Carla began her yoga career in college when she took her first Hatha yoga class. From there, she discovered Wild Light Yoga Studio and considered it her yoga home. She obtained her 200-hour RYT in Wild Light’s first cohort of Teacher Trainees, where she learned about the intricacies and history of yoga, including Hatha and Vinyasa as guiding disciplines. In April 2017, she became a teacher at Wild Light Yoga Center. Carla then traveled to Bali, Indonesia, to complete a 300-hour RYT in fluidUs yoga, which combines Western Vinyasa with whole-body and soul-nourishing practices. This experience transformed her practice. She also traveled to Lake Atitlán, Guatemala, twice for immersive sound yoga, where she taught some asana classes for retreat leader Kavita Kat MacMillan. Carla often incorporates sound healing at the end of her classes with singing bowls and has led sound baths. Her additional workshops and training include studying with renowned teachers such as Sarah Joy Marsh in Ayurvedic Restorative Yoga, and Rolf Gates, published author and teacher of Hatha and Vinyasa, among others.

Aside from practicing and teaching yoga, Carla is a certified Zumba instructor, a property manager, and a cyclist. She enjoys nature hikes, music festivals, skiing, snorkeling, and traveling.

The greatest lesson she has learned from yoga is to stay in the practice and stay in the body; it is always changing and ready to greet her wherever she is.


Peter Kesselaers


Ingrid Aagenæs